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What are the common questions concerning mental health? Check out these frequently asked questions (FAQs) about mental health.

What is a mental illness?
Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions or disorders that disrupt a person’s mind and behavior.
What causes mental illness
According to research, mental illnesses are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Biological factors include neurochemical causes, genetics, infections, and structural causes. Psychological factors that may contribute to mental illness include specific vulnerabilities, such as negative distortions, sensitivities to negative emotions, hopelessness, persistent sadness, and dysfunctional attitudes. Environmental factors that can result in serious mental disorders can be severe neglect, chronic pain, harmful family dynamics, abuse, domestic violence, alcohol and substance misuse, and abandonment.
What treatment options are available?
Treatment options may vary from person to person, depending on their mental health conditions. Mental illness can be treated with medications, pharmacotherapy, evidence-based therapies like talk therapy, group or individual therapy sessions, and therapies. These therapies will help individuals identify and manage their symptoms, reduce stress levels by applying coping techniques and strategies, and deal with underlying issues and sources.
When you should seek treatment with a mental health professional?
  • When you have intrusive and dark thoughts, emotions, or behaviors that are out of control and interfere with your life, such as affecting your social relationship, job performance, and sense of well-being.
  • When you are struggling with life’s painful challenges that are getting out of hand.
  • When you feel that life is no longer worth living and you have suicidal ideation.
  • When you are struggling with substance abuse that affects your daily life.
What should you expect during mental health assessment?
Here at ALTA Mental Health, you may then be scheduled for an initial evaluation session, which allows you to build rapport with the therapist and give them some background about yourself and the reasons you are seeking counseling. In addition, the therapist will be able to answer your questions regarding services, confidentiality, and what to expect in therapy. If we decide that it is in your best interest to move forward working with the therapist, you will decide on a mutually agreed upon time, and frequency for your therapy sessions and begin to work with your therapist to set goals and then work toward achieving them together.